Looking for a quick, pocket guide on how to advertise on Amazon?
Advertising on the Internet is not a new thing. Ever since Google came onto the market people have been able to advertise their products and services to a vast audience using keywords and other metrics. With this ability the ability to make lots of money online with very little upfront investment has become a reality.
Now, the largest online marketplace Amazon has gotten into the game allowing people to create what is known as sponsored ads on their platform making the ability to run targeted ads for your products on the largest online market a reality. But how do we accomplish this?
Well in this book we are going to explore the basics of Amazon Ads, PPC ads in general and what it is that you need to start getting your ads up onto the market and profitable.
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Preview of the content inside:
Mastering Keywords
Lookers vs Buyers
Chapter Two – Getting Started With Amazon Advertising
Suggested Bids
Creating your ads
Negative Keywords
Chapter Three – Expanding your ads to the next level
Moving to other platforms
Facebook for Amazon ads
Reinvest Everything
PPC Strategies for Amazon Sellers: How to use Sponsored Ads to increase sales and improve search rank for your Amazon FBA Products
This first book in the FBA: The Next Level series will explain the Amazon Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising system, also called Sponsored Ads. It will walk you through setting up your first automatic campaign, and then give you tips for building keyword lists for your more targeted manual ad campaigns. It will also explore all the different Advertising Reports and detailed tips on how to read them and and use the data in your business.
Google AdWords advanced – Optimize and build Profitable PPC & AdWords advertising
Learn advanced uses of advertising with AdWords!
Google AdWords can be difficult, but Morten explains tech-talk in a simple way to understand.
Morten Bagge explains best practices in AdWords optimization and more advanced uses of AdWords. Having managed thousands of campaigns, Morten is an AdWords expert, and he writes about how to utilize some of Google AdWords’ more advanced features. To help you make your online advertising more profitable.
You will learn:
– Why and how to use the AdWords editor with Excel
– How to get the most out of your visitors
– Different optimizations methods, and why they work
– How to organize your account structure in the best way
And much much more!